Monday, March 30, 2009


Have you ever considered what is said about you? Are you curious about what people think? Do they describe you as a good husband, a good father? We spend a life time working to be the best. We long to hear adjectives such as great or wonderful used in our descriptions. But some times the greatest things that can be said about us are the simplest things when used by the right person. Consider for a moment what Jesus said about the dear woman who anointed Him before His death in Matt.14:8. He said, "She hath done what she could!" Others criticized her sharply, felt they could have done more or found a better way to use the fragrant oil. But in the end, Christ himself gave his blessing on what she had done. Often the world will not understand what we do or why. But then it is not the praise of the world we should be looking for.
Have you done what you could? Have you used the blessings given to you to bring honor to Christ? All the praise on this earth could never match for one second the joy that it would be to hear “He was done what he could” come from the lips of our beloved savior Jesus Christ.